Are you trying to improve processes and efficiencies within your organization?

Are you trying to increase your sales cycle and win more opportunities?

Studies show that by using eSignature technology you can make it happen more-quicker.

What is eSignature?

An eSignature is basically an electronic signature.  The person signs electronically and it maintains the same legal standing as a handwritten signature as long as it complies to the requirements of the specific regulation it was created under.

Acumatica eSignature

Acumatica ERP has the power of eSignature integration that can help you increase sales as well as provide efficiencies within your company. 

You’ll have the ability to respond in real-time, empower a modern, mobile workforce, increase conversion rates, and improve stakeholder management (internal or external).

Forget about sending multiple copies, scanning documents, and filling up storage space on your server with multiple versions of a document, all to get a signature.

Acumatica ERP can integrate with DocuSign and Adobe Sign digital technology to give you the capabilities to get documents signed faster and easier.

Why & How

Why should I use eSignatures in my organization?  It’s a streamlined approach to having documents signed electronically and saved with the record file right in Acumatica. It’s a simple process to implement.

With the eSign integration for Acumatica Cloud ERP, users can:

  1. Create envelopes and prepare documents for signing
  2. Send documents for signing and manage documents
  3. Check status of document sent for signing
  4. Send documents from CRM, Financials, Distribution and other modules using Document Management.

How do I get eSignature?

The first step is to license DocuSign or Adobe Sign. Once that is completed, install the plug-in on your Acumatica system.  After set-up is completed, determine where you will use the electronic signing within Acumatica.  Will it be used for Quotes, Purchase Orders, Expense Reports, or all of the above?

Save time, money, and increase sales with the electronic signing integration with Acumatica.

For more tips and tricks visit Crestwood’s blog.


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