Our friend wrote a book! And we’re thrilled to be a main character

Acumatica’s latest e-book pulls the curtains back on shipping within its ERP and how its software pairs with 3G to deliver the goods (literally!).

Check out Acumatica’s ERP shipping guide featuring its partnership with 3G’s Transportation Management & Shipping Software suite. In this guide, Acumatica takes manufacturers, wholesalers, and e-commerce merchants through the stages of shipping, from order intake to final arrival, and how to manage each. Highlighted are both Acumatica’s native order management capabilities, and 3G’s ability to act as an extension of the ERP thanks to its deep integration and unparalleled shipping expertise.

This helpful guide can be the Acumatica user’s go-to shipping reference when it’s time to:

  • Get ready – what to think about before you ship
  • Get set – setting up your software to drive shipping success
  • Go! – managing shipments and continued iteration

Get ready.

As you start to consider the possibility that maybe you need shipping software on top of your Acumatica ERP, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed. When that happens it’s just as important to know what not to do as what to do. This e-book opens with an enlightening guide to top shipping mistakes, and how to avoid them. It then covers industry-specific considerations, so that you can callibrate your research according to the use cases and scenarios you’re most likely to encounter.

Get set.

In case there was any doubt as to the benefits of automating much of the shipping process, this guide walks through exactly how to realize the greatest efficiency from this software combination. Equally importantly, however, is proper configuration. The best software (of any kind), poorly configured, will not provide the desired outcome and can negatively impact the customer experience.


You realize that you need shipping software, you’ve figured out the right way to accomplish your goals with it, now it’s time to ship! Part of what makes the 3G-Acumatica combination so powerful is the interoperability it enables. Shipping can be initiated, executed, and managed through either system, with data flowing between them in real time. Much of the e-book is dedicated to the various stages of the shipping process and how to approach each with this software. There are also some great pointers to how to use the data coming back into the systems in order to evaluate operations and find ways to improve them further.

Want to learn more about the role shipping plays and how to simplify its complexity from start to finish? Read the e-book here or connect with us today!


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