Acumatica is one of the most empowering ERP systems and is the go-to solution for midsize companies. At the same time, DataSelf leads the pack in business intelligence technology for the mid-sized market, so it’s no coincidence that when DataSelf and Acumatica come together, magic happens. For years now, Acumatica has been the world’s fastest-growing cloud ERP solution and when it came time to take their decision making support system to the next level, DataSelf stepped in. 

Working Together

Acumatica had initial success using its own ERP product in conjunction with Power BI for reporting dashboards and analytics, but as the company grew, it needed a more robust and timely solution. Many reports still had to be manually rebuilt and refreshed on a recurring basis, and “real-time” business insights were not always immediately available. Speaking of how this partnership came to be what it is today, Nigel LeGresey, CFO of Acumatica had this to say, “It really did just come together very well … with us in a position of looking to add something to our portfolio and DataSelf being in the position to fill that gap.”

DataSelf Analytics for Acumatica provides decision makers with a flexible enterprise-grade data warehouse framework to consolidate data silos, thus effectively automating repetitive manual processes, optimizing data for fast performance, and bringing data together for a single version of the truth.


Combining the Best Tools

Advanced and Enterprise Analytics by DataSelf provides a wide range of high-end business intelligence benefits for Acumatica. Using industry-standard components comprised of Tableau and MS SQL Server, users can then take advantage of features such as self-service BI, data discovery, in-memory analytics, budgeting, dashboards, data mining, data warehousing, ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading), forecasting, KPIs, multidimensional analysis and MS Power BI.

The result of years of development using tools such as Tableau, Power BI or Excel is a mature BI system with over 5,000 reports and dashboard templates.  DataSelf templates seamlessly connect Acumatica and other ERP and CRM systems.

It’s Not Magic, It’s Just Easy

DataSelf simplifies BI with Tableau and Microsoft BI by adding its own DataSelf ETL+ technology to minimize programming in BI solutions, and by providing comprehensive out-of-the-box solutions for Acumatica. This was one of the core reasons that Acumatica joined up with DataSelf.

“DataSelf has the ability to quickly translate questions into solutions because of the data sets they’ve already established. It dramatically improves the time to insight.” – Nigel LeGresley CFO, Acumatica

This simple process is comprised of three steps:

  1. Server software extracts data from Acumatica and other source databases and transforms it into clean and simple data structures—making it quick and easy to generate reports. About 40% of DataSelf BI deployments require absolutely no server-side customization. In the remaining deployments, customization on the server-size components can be done quickly—usually within hours. The server software is usually deployed on the client’s local network environment. The server’s data can be refreshed on a schedule, manually or with triggers.

  2. Client software uses intuitive and industry-standard tools for analyzing data. Users can report and analyze their data on desktop and notebook computers, over the web, via mobile devices and also receive reports and dashboards via email. These tools can retrieve data in real time, from scheduled refreshes or from offline and portable data repositories.

  3. Pre-built templates save Acumatica users valuable time and headaches of creating a BI solution from scratch—learning about data warehouse and OLAP best practices, building KPIs and reports. Data analysis is easy and even eye-opening with 5,000-plus reports and KPIs pre-mapped to Acumatica. This rich solution provides a quick return on investment plus a solid, flexible foundation for further customization. 

Looking Ahead

Together, DataSelf and Acumatica continue to strengthen our partnership to not only meet, but exceed the needs of customers. 

“By integrating with Acumatica cloud ERP, our business intelligence platform—which is powered by data warehousing, Tableau, and 5,000 KPIs for Acumatica—empowers Acumatica customers to explore and find critical insights from their data across the enterprise enabling them to grow and strengthen their businesses,” says Joni Girardi, CEO of DataSelf Corp. “We’re excited to partner with Acumatica, a company committed to their partners and customers.”

Want more information?

Register for the March 19 webinar: Acumatica Data Warehousing & Analytics

Contact DataSelf’s Acumatica BI Experts! Call 888-910-9802 x1 or email Sales @



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