Ensuring that requisitions are submitted and approved quickly and accurately is key to optimizing the procurement cycle. If your processes are overly complex, you risk slowing the process and taking your employees’ time away from more vital tasks. And if they’re not stringent enough, you could end up overpaying and exceeding budgets. If your organization is struggling with procurement inefficiencies, there’s a solution designed just for you.

Thoughtful design of your approval process from the start will promote cost savings while speeding up the process. 

Dynamic Rule Engine & Approval Workflow

Paramount WorkPlace, an eProcurement solution that works with Acumatica, lets Acumatica users implement any corporate approval rule imaginable throughout the entire procurement process.

Paramount WorkPlace offers a Dynamic Rule Engine & Approval Workflow

The sophisticated workflow engine provides the control your organization needs while simplifying the process for your users. Paramount WorkPlace provides:

  • Unlimited requisition creation rules. Set up as many rules as you need to match your company’s operations.
  • Unlimited approval rules. Create as many rules as needed based on a variety of fields (vendor, amount, department, GL account, budget, etc.).
  • Position-based approvals. Base approvals on organizational structure combined with approval amount limits for rapid deployment.
  •  Mobility. The Paramount WorkPlace Mobile App works within the guidelines of your established rules.
  • Email approvals. Automate the sending of approval requests via email.
  • Variance tolerances. Define acceptable levels of variance on price, quantity.
  • Approval level options. Choose transaction (header) level approvals or Item (line) level approvals.
  • Use consistent approval workflows for Requisitions, POs, and Check Requests for consistency and controls for both PO and non-PO invoices.
  • Invoice variance detection. Invoices with variances can be automatically routed for approval.

eProcurement solutions like Paramount WorkPlace save Acumatica users money by keeping the requisition process and associated approvals straightforward, sensible, and easy to use, so employees are more likely to follow the process — meaning you’ll bring more spend under direct control where is measurable and manageable. To learn about other ways Paramount WorkPlace can improve the requisition and procurement processes for Acumatica users, read our previous post on the acu-connect blog: How (and Why) to Integrate PunchOut with Acumatica.

Want more tips on creating approval processes? Read Approving the Spend: What’s the Key to a Smart & Efficient Approval Process?

acu-connect Founding Member Paramount WorkPlace is an Acumatica Certified ISV.


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