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  • #10175

    Ok, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one, but what were some of the highlights of this year’s conference for you?

    Arline Welty

    I think the best part of Summit 2020 (besides the wonderful selection of Spanish vermouths at Jaleo -wow) was the CRM workflow capability. It’s great to see Acumatica do some investment in the CRM side of the product. Mike C’s demo of the workflow was fun and really showed that the workflow now has some muscle. It’s always been acceptable, but with this release, it becomes much more powerful to use, edit and demo.

    (We took a silly little video here: https://dquest.com/acumatica-summit-2020-keynotes/).

    Tim Rodman

    My highlight was Ali Jani taking Jon Roskill’s place onstage for the Day 2 Keynote. Sure seems like Ali could be the one to take over as CEO once Jon Roskill fulfills whatever contractual obligation he has to EQT Partners after the acquisition last Summer.

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