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From Spreadsheet Struggles to Software Success: Mastering Lease Accounting with LeaseQuery


During this webinar, the LeaseQuery team will briefly review the requirements for lease accounting maintenance under ASC 842. They will also present the key features and functionalities available in the software that provide value to your organization beyond compliance. We will also look at the potential pitfalls of opting to use Excel for lease accounting, and cover how the right […]

Building an Empathy-Driven Workplace


Promote a positive and supportive environment where employees feel valued and understood by building an empathy-driven workplace! This leads to improved morale, job satisfaction, higher productivity, and empathy helps to build trust and stronger relationships between colleagues, which is essential for effective collaboration and team performance. Additionally, an empathetic workplace culture can lead to better customer service and improved business outcomes. […]

acu-connect Panel Discussion: Construction


Managing a construction company comes with unique challenges. Whether it's tracking projects and costs, trying to manage a large distributed inventory, or simply getting the necessary data and reporting; the Acumatica eco-system has the solutions your construction company needs. Join our team of experts for a discussion about these construction-industry topics and more: Project accounting and cost tracking in real […]


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